Exams!!! A nail biting word isn’t it? This term, knowingly or unknowingly is associated with terminologies like nervousness, stress, tension. Why can’t exams be fun, rested, relaxed?? Well it is we ourselves who are to be blamed for the conditions developing out of the exam mania.

Stress is our body’s nature or tendency to deal with pressure, challenge or excitement. Students who are overwhelmed by competition amongst peers, siblings often exhibit this feeling. They are under constant anguish to live up to expectations of elders around them as well as often feed their own high esteem levels.

Examinations are conceived as a do or die activity where no lapse in performance is permitted. This attitude often leads to condition such as exam phobia or exam stress. To deal with which then takes up some amount of time, planning and energy. Why not deal with it outright?

Symptoms of exam related stress should not be neglected and noticed early enough can be dealt with. Look for symptoms like:

- Complaints of not feeling well, stomach ache or loose motions just before the exam.

- Frequent headaches.

- Lack of appetite or binge eating.

- Lack of sleep, waking up with nightmares the night before exams.

- Feeling depressed.

- Racing heartbeat, anxiety.

- ‘Brain out of order’– blanking out.

- Moody behaviour.

- Not wanting to spend family time, staying aloof.

- Crying for no reason.


While as adults we do understand on how stressful exams can get one must make note of tips on how to cope with exam stress.

·      Plan your last revision days wisely – Do not leave revision for the very last minute. Plan the day before your exam in such a way that you do not need to flip through pages few minutes before your exam. This can really get you too anxious. Probably just make a last minute revision sheet to go through as final revision.


·      Take breaks – Days before your examination day, you will have loads to finish. But do not forget to recharge your brain power just like your phone battery for maximum performance levels. This can be done by taking short 10 – 15 minutes breaks at sensible intervals. Just like power-naps your power-breaks can be awarding.


·      Eat well and nourishing foods – Food intake plays a vital role in your internal system functioning and supporting you well.  Right foods like nutrient dense veggies and fruits omega-3 rich nuts and seeds can help you stay alert and sustain you through long exam hours.


·      Spend some time talking to your elders at home over the dining table. This gives you a break from your routine with less time wasted over going out and meeting friends.


·      Go outdoors - All work and no play made Jack a dull boy. Get involved in one outdoor activity a day may be jog, exercise, swim or play a sport for atleast 30-45 minutes a day. Bringing it down to a 15 minute jog each day as the exam date approaches. The release of hormones and chemicals post exercise will surely leave you refreshed enough to take on more revision hours.


·       Stay away from stressed people - You do not want any amount of negativity or demotivation around you, stay away from peers who make you nervous with  too much exam discussion that can get you anxious.

 While the child is undergoing the feeling of stress and pressure as parents we should be standing by their sides to exhibit love and strength. We should

-       Have a friendly and light chat from time to time. Talk to him about his progress and ask if any help is needed. This gives them a feeling that my parents are with me and gives immense support to them.

-       Keep him/her motivated. Some pep talk time and again could be may be some short stories of motivation and fruits of hard work  may help them really ‘ Buck –up’.

-       Avoid talking about how other kids are studying and what they are doing and how you should also copy and follow the same pattern. Remember every child is different and in his or her capacity is putting in the best efforts. Appreciate that.

-       Try and prepare dishes of your child’s choice. Good nutrition often slides down the priority list. Sit with your child and make a list of healthy foods that he/ she may like to eat such that he doesn’t feel sluggish and sleepy for long hours.

-       Provide a quiet and a happy atmosphere at home. Avoid unnecessary tension scenes.

-       Help your child in studies if needed or just be by his side while he stays up late hours. May be you could just pick a book to read for yourself.

-       Use reassuring words like ‘what you are doing is just good and regardless of the exam results you the best kid ever’, ‘Remember the stress is temporary, soon you will be done with your exams’.  These words can really boost their self-confidence and self-esteem.

(Compiled by Kinnari Shah - Counsellor)