Psychological counselling and Therapy


As we move through our busy lives many issues of concern are neglected. If not addressed at the right time, these can lead to emotional stress and maladaptive behaviour. Effects of stress, anxiety, trauma, abuse are seen in people of all age groups, gender and socio-economic status. We address all issues within the following domains.

Family therapy

Families living together have their share of problems that emerge from conflicts between personal needs and family dynamics. Counselling helps to clarify and define boundaries when families are troubled. Geriatric counselling is also provided for the elders in multigenerational, joint families, or in homes where elderly live alone or in health facilities. The elderly population experiences its own set of relational issues and complex existential musings that are addressed.

Couples counselling

Couples going through difficulties in their relationship need help as a couple. The stage of development at which the couple is, their attachment styles and their style of communicating their concern to each other are analysed. Interventions are designed to make the couple understand each other’s emotions and the reasons for their constant conflicts. Pre-marriage counselling helps prospective couples to ease into the new roles by starting a conversation on relationships beyond the initial blush of love.


Child Counselling

Children’s imagination is their safe place. A child who spends more time there is probably feeling threatened and unsettled by reality.

Children require counselling for the same reasons as the adults do, but children are unable to express their mental state in the same manner. Children express their anxiety, emotional distress and complexities as problem behaviours like anger, mood swings, withdrawal, drop in grades etc. Child counselling helps you understand your child’s world and get insight into how to handle their difficulties. It also gives the child tools to deal with the problem by breaking it down to a level where he can understand it. Children with learning disabilities, ADHD can benefit greatly and enjoy their college and work life with proper guidance.


Adolescent counselling

Adolescence is the stage of transition from childhood to adulthood, from the age of 14/15 years through 22-23 years of age. A teenager needs someone to ‘have his back’ at this stage as much as the freedom to make his own decisions. The conflicts of this stage get confusing for both the parents and the child. Adolescent counselling covers issues of self-esteem, dealing with peer pressure, body-image, substance abuse, mood swings, bullying, depression. Parental Counselling is also important to equip the parents with tools to navigate this period.


Adults - personal adjustment

A person is faced with conflicting motives or obstacles to his needs time and again in his life. A well-adjusted individual is said to possess general satisfaction in all spheres of life including work, family, self; has positive beliefs and emotions and is able to function adequately free of mental illness. The problems associated with poor adjustment include OCD, depression, inability to keep jobs, apathy, lack of concentration, generalised anxiety, substance abuse, inability to give and receive love etc. Anger management, assertiveness training, personality development, self-esteem building, occupational therapy are some approaches to take care of issues related to personal adjustment.