

The first time I had gone to meet Priya was almost about a year ago (July 2019). I remember how scared I was as I was new in a city and wasn’t very happy. After gathering some courage I phoned her to book a trial session. She was more than welcoming to me. Though the trial session is only for 30 minutes, she sat patiently and heard everything I was saying for 60 mins. Since then my life has changed entirely. Talking to her and taking guidance from her has really shaped my perspective and changed the way in which I look at the situations around me. She also made sure to let me find my answers on my own rather than simply providing them to me, which not only helped me reflect and understand why I do certain things, but also helped me develop my personality which will help me throughout my life. She has been a great guide and friend to me, and I’m really glad I went to her for help.

~ Rishika, 23, college student

I’m very positive and happy now. My situation had been just the same during my childhood, at the time I met you and it still is the same but I still can’t understand why I felt the way I did during that period. I forward my gratitude to you guys, for taking me out of my worst period.

~ Falguni, 43, housewife

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