Mindpositiv Opens your mind to newer possibilities

The counselling and therapy philosophy at Mindpositiv draws  on the positive psychology tradition. We put focus on making the best of what you have, helping you solve your problems and find meaning in life - for a long term, self-driven sustainable personal growth. We lay focus on YOU because you have the ability to effect your own healing and drive your own growth and development.

Your mind can be your greatest tool to help take control of how your circumstances affect you. It is also the most tender that gets affected easily.Recognise its strengths and follies and seek help the moment you see your actions or emotions cause distress. You will be amazed to see how a little help can change your life.



School and Career Guidance

From confusion to direction

Starting at the 9th grade level into college and beyond , there are many checkpoints where a decision has to be made . Career Guidance based on Psychometric testing makes the process smooth and reliable. Interest, ability, learning style, preferences, personality are identified scientifically, and personalised counselling sessions are given to help the student and parents plan ahead. Guidance regarding preparation for entrance tests and resume building form part of our expertise.

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The counselling space is a confidential, non-judgemental and safe place where you can share your deep fears, frustrations, problems and thoughts that are preventing you from functioning properly. Counselling benefits people of all age groups, gender and socio-economic status. The counsellor helps people solve their own problems and learn skills for the future.



At times the distress is caused by a mental condition that is beyond the control of the person suffering. The symptoms may be triggered by anything mundane but the cause is deep seated and not readily accessible. Identifying the reason, and knowingly moving away from it however disturbing it may be is the key to recovery and is addressed in therapy. 


Psychometric testing

Psychometric tests are the scientific tools used to assess all aspects of the mind including memory, intelligence, fears, personality, coping mechanisms, strengths, values, leadership styles, interests, ability, psychosis, depression, anxiety, mental health issues and so on. We employ psychometric tests in order to know more about the internal dynamics to aid in therapy, or to deliver informed counsel.

help is provided in the following domains


Healing, Recover and Reconnecting

At mindpositiv our goal is to help you heal from trauma, reconnect with self and society . And, make informed choices based on self awareness and knowledge.. Read more about how the mind works and how to befriend it.

The purpose of psychotherapy is to set people free.
— Rollo May